Strapped Premium Lubricated Latex Condoms is based in Houston, TX with branch locations in Chicago, Las Vegas, and Atlanta. Our condoms are manufactured in the southeast region of Malaysia and produced from the finest quality of natural latex materials. Strapped brand condoms range in different styles, textures, and sizes. Strapped brand condoms, when used properly, will help reduce the transmission of HIV (AIDS) and many sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.

Strapped Condoms is aware of the need to address the growing number of STD’s throughout the world. Through our partnership with organizations like Saving Our Community Kids and Seniors (S.O.C.K.S.), we have committed ourselves to outreach and education to help curve the growing trend of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s). Strapped Condoms aims to build a strong foundation that will educate the youth on the consequences of at-risk behavior and why they should STAY STRAPPED. It is common knowledge among health professionals that STD’s, some of which are incurable and/or fatal, have been found to multiply in societies that engage in permissive behavior.
In 1996, the U.S. Surgeon General endorsed the use of condoms as the only current available effective barrier against the transmission of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). According to the Medical Device Amendments of 1976. The FDA is required to inspect each condom manufacturing plant at least once every two years. All condoms sold in the U.S. must comply with specifications that were developed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA reviews all U.S. companies and condoms that are imported from overseas manufacturers for their records and batches for defects. Strapped Condoms meets the FDA 510 (k) submission process that allows our condoms to be sold and distributed as a certified Class II Medical Device.